Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Elephant Follow-Up

Hello again friends! It's only been a few days since I wrote about my question-ball trick. Since then, I've been making it a point to bring up my Tourette's in group conversations to show that I'm comfortable talking about it. A few of the staff have since approached me either in private or in a small group asking me to answer questions they have. Everyone has been extremely polite about it, and I've done my best to assure them that any question is a good question if it's a sincere question. At least one of them even had prior experience with somebody with Tourette Syndrome, and that's always a good feeling.

Also, I finally started mentioning my blog to people. It feels so wierd to me to promote myself like that, especially since I don't really think I have anything all that special to say in the first place! However, I feel like a do a better job explaining Tourette's in writing than I do in person, so perhaps it's not that bad after all. That being said, if you're reading this blog after I told you about it in person, I really appreciate the time and interest you're giving me - holla!

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