Monday, December 7, 2009

Words of Wisdom From Severine Neff

Today, I went to talk to a professor about my performance in her class. I had not been doing as well as I know I could have been, and because I often ended up coming to class late or turning in homework late for various reasons, I wanted to apologize. I went to her office and explained there had been some complicated things happening this semester and that she really was one of my favorite professors (I've even mentioned her in my blog before!)

She seemed surprised, and hadn't recognized any of the problems I was apologizing for; in fact she thought I was looking a lot better than the beginning of the semester when I looked exhausted and worn out every day! She said that it was clear that I understood the material and that's what she cared about most. She said things happen in life, and you just go on, it's nothing to worry about. As you get older you just get better at handling them... or not even, you just learn to handle them and life goes on. Then she said something very powerful - I'll do my best to quote: "Things in life often don't make sense... that's why we study music theory, because it can't be explained." This was so powerful to hear from someone who I think is so incredibly intelligent about music, and I just had to write about it so that it wouldn't be forgotten.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Story of Crosasaurus Rex

Hello Hello!! Tonight I performed 'The Story of Crosasaurus Rex' for the Music 143 class. I don't have the video footage from the actual dealio ready yet, but I'll tell ya what happened: I showed videos on the screen while I sorta stood there/acted it out. There was a little story line that went along with it. Here are the three videos I used, one of which you've seen before and two are totally brand new!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Crosasaurus Rex

I have officially adopted a persona, and that is Crosasaurus Rex. I will be performing as such on Sunday for the first time; wish me luck! Here's the lyrics to a song I wrote for the character:

Less Than Love
Crosasaurus Rex, 10/26/09

Look at those two people,

Huddled with their arms

Embracing each other.

Look at those two people.

Battling the lonely cold,

They only have their bodies

To keep them warm,

Battling the lonely cold.


Can two people truly share

Warmth against the chill,

Can two people share warmth?

When she looks at him,

What does she see?

When he looks at her,

Is all he sees only

Warmth against the chill?


Is this love, or is it less?

Does this satisfy my hunger?

Is this love, or is it less?

Can I do this any longer?

But it’s cold and lonely

In the deep dark night,

Can I do this any longer,

Is this less than love?


When they listen, what do they hear?

Wrapped together in music,

Together in music, what do they hear?

Melodies and harmonies,

They solo together in unison.

What will happen next?

They silently wonder aloud.


Is this love, or is it less?

Will this quench my thirst?

Is this love, or is it less?

Do I feel better or feel worse?

But it’s so cold and lonely

In the deep dark night,

Do I feel better or feel worse?


Is this less than love?

Two lovers sat on a park bench,

With their bodies touching.

Too old for play,

Too young to die,

Together they’ll try

To make it to heaven.