Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Camp Twin Lakes XIV

Hi again! I'm doing my best to write about Camp Twitch and Shout as much as I can, but I want to spend as much time with them as much as possible! Being around these kids have made my own tics a lot worse, but I don't care a single bit because it's such an amazing place to be. My vocal tics usually consist of "HUWOP!" "DIP," or "TIP," but there have definitely been plenty of random ones as well as some coprolalia.

I've gotten pretty close to one camper in particular, John, who has very strong tics. An example of his physical tics, he hits himself (very hard) and gives people very violent hugs, and coprolalia. He and I set each other's tics off; when I hear him tic, it makes me tic, and vice versa just like a yawn. At one point, we were walking somewhere together and it sounded like this:


We both were very aware of the situation and how strange it was, but we couldn't stop! I led a drum session with John's cabin and it wen really well. All the campers were pretty chill, and were able to continue a beat without needing to do games and to keep them going. At one point, John started having a very strong bout of physical tics and went off to the side so that he could work them out. In my own experience, going off to the side just made it worse because it only gives more attention to focus on the tics. The group was self-sustaining for the moment, so I grabbed a drum, took it to him and said "alright John, I'm going to try something."

I got up close to him, almost in his face, and said "John, play this drum. Play this drum John. Play it. Now." He reached out and tapped it when he could; when his arm ticced away from the drum I kept it going "John, just play the drum play this rhythm." I was a little nervous that I might piss him off by being insensitive, but I checked in with him later and he was appreciative. I was trying to make him concentrate on using his body for a purpose, hoping to eliminate the idle body that is like a canvas for tics. I recognized some of my own tics in him, and I think that what made me do that was that I wanted to experiment and maybe learn more about myself. It didn't work as tearjerkingly perfect as I had hoped, but it was still a pretty powerful moment for me and I hope for him too.

That's it for now - I gotta go help at paddle boats!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you're having a fantasitc time and meeting some pretty awesome people!! Miss you and hope all is well at camp :)
