Sunday, June 27, 2010

Camp Twin Lakes XI

At last, Camp Twitch and Shout is here!

This weekend my mom came to visit this weekend and we went to watch Toy Story 3 together, an outing we had planned a year ago when trailers for the movie first started being released. We drove back to camp, and in the parking lot I saw none other than Brad Cohen himself, an author, speaker, and educator who I look up to immensely. The movie that they made about his life, called Front of the Class was a huge inspiration and has means a lot to me. I was able to collect myself in the car enough to act like a normal human being in front of him, but it was hard. He was with another camp director and other staff, both of which also had Tourette's. Being around other Tourettics for the first time, I was really excited and hoopin and hollering (involuntarily, that is!)

Later that night, Cate and I were jamming in the dining hall in preparation for the next week. At about 1:30 AM, one of the counselors came in to listen to us. "Sound great!" he said. I couldn't really see him, so I said hi and asked him his name. "My name is Jimmy." As he stepped into the light, I saw that it was the actor who played Brad in the movie. I had held myself together when I met Brad, but when I met Jimmy, I lost it.

"uh... my name is Michael... hummahumaa a movie guy...." and so on.

Basically, this week is going to be AWESOME.

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