Saturday, July 25, 2009

Work today

Work was quite tiring today. We were putting linens in all of the rooms of Craige North (UNC dorm); pillows, towels, blankets, pillowcases, sheets, and fitted sheets. What was scheduled to be a three hour task ended up being about a seven and a half hour task... quite tiring and frustrating. On the bright side, today's excursions will give my paycheck a considerable boost. I'll skip the story of everything that happened and skip straight to the moral: Think things through before you say things - talking shit won't get anybody anywhere if it really is shit.

Today's work was significant because it was my first day with vocal tics after a considerable length of silence. I have physical tics all the time, but the vocal tics are much rarer for me. I think it was probably the mental and physical stress of the job that brought it back up. I feel a bit silly saying that because the job wasn't particularly stressful, but it was just enough to jump start the tics again. They stopped pretty soon after I got off the clock, but who knows if and when they'll start back up again. I'm going to take a nap!!

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