Thursday, November 26, 2009

Impulse Control

I'm sitting at the Raleigh Durham Airport, waiting for my flight out to Cincinnati. I'm going to meet up with my parents and family up there for Thanksgiving (which is today). I've been rather twitchy lately it seems. My tics seem a bit stronger in trying to break to the surface. It's hard to find a pattern with these damn things, but I think I got it figured out now. I experience more tics when I'm upset about something that happened related to Tourette's. The more I think about the situation and how frustrated I am with both my TS and people's reactions to it, the more I twitch.

I often forget that TS is misunderstood even by friends. The of closest friends often say they forget I even have TS, or will mention they haven't noticed me tic even though I've totally been twitching, they're just so used to it they don't notice. It's the medium friends that I'm talking about; the ones you see on a regular basis (say, in class) but don't really hang out with much.

Now I'm known among friends for being the wacky, random, unpredictable one. That's a personality trait, not a product of TS. The other day in music theory class I was having a conversation with a friend, when I doodled something silly (a penis) on her paper. She got kinda pissed (understandably) and began to erase it. I said "my bad... you know me, no impulse control." She replied with something along the lines of "there you go, blaming your Tourette's." I was confused at first, but realized she was talking about the impulse control comment.

When I get upset I usually get quiet (which sucks) and that's what happened here. Impulse control implies some quick idea you get but keep from doing, or at least that's how I understand it. She made the connection of Tourette's, which is false. Is that what people think of Tourette's? Like the father in Front of the Class, is the thought that "Tourette's" means that these are little jokes, little things that could be controlled with concentration? I know that not everybody thinks that, but I've known this person for so long, could she really think that I want to shake my head, twitch my arms, and do all that stuff? Does she think I think it's funny? I don't know, I just don't get it. I guess I'll talk to her about it.


  1. Michael, it was drawing the penis that made her mad and maybe then she had to say something mean...IDK

    Sorry, Love you

  2. Seems to me that she had an internal notion of TS that loosely encompassed "impulse control." When you offered that as an explanation, she assumed you were attributing the act (drawing a penis on her paper) to TS.

    How does one repond to that "in the moment" of awkwardness or slight annoyance. It might sound like what she said. Therefore I wouldn't attach too much meaning to her response. Her's was a knee-jerk reaction to your knee-jerk reaction(in which you suddenly drew the penis).

  3. So are you saying that drawing the penis on her paper was an act unrelated to TS?

    Also, it would make a difference if this was someone you were intimate with versus someone who was just a classmate/acquaintance.
